September 18
Upcoming Workshops and Webinars
November 13
Featured Resources
The Biochemical Influences of Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
Functional medicine is a comprehensive diagnostic and treatment approach using sophisticated laboratory testing such as the organic acids test, food sensitivity, comprehensive digestive stool analysis, and other complementary assessments.
Mitochondria and Energy – The Little Engines that Could
What happens if those little engines are not functioning optimally? Energy starts to wane, and bodily functions become sluggish. Hormone production, cellular detoxification, and protein formation are not occurring at the rate the body demands – how can we help our cells?
Toxic Heavy Metals: A Deep Dive into Health Consequences and Detox Strategies
The presentation explores the significant impact of heavy metals on health, detailing their sources, pathways of exposure, and the severe health consequences they can cause.
Toxicant Detectives: Investigating Environmental Exposures and Essential Detoxification Strategies
This session will explore various sources of toxicants, methods to identify and measure exposure, and the latest strategies to mitigate these exposures through effective detoxification.
Resource Library
Mitochondria and Energy – The Little Engines that Could
What happens if those little engines are not functioning optimally? Energy starts to wane, and bodily functions become sluggish. Hormone production, cellular detoxification, and protein formation are not occurring at the rate the body demands – how can we help our cells?
Myco-Metabolic Panel Patient Brochures
This brochure is designed to provide an overview of the Myco-Metabolic Panel for patients.
Comprehensive Guide to Mycotoxin Binders
Binding agents are an integral part of mycotoxin illness detoxification. Trying to decide which binder is correct for which mycotoxin can be a difficult process. This blog provides a collection of research connecting mycotoxins to a good binder choice
The Top 5 Biomedical Protocols for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Kurt Woeller, DO shares his top 5 protocols for ASD, including information about Food IgG MAP as an initial laboratory test he recommends.
MycoTOX Profile Sample Test Report
The sample test report provides a comprehensive analysis of the testing performed, including test results and interpretations to address underlying causes of symptoms.
Organic Acids Test (OAT) Sample Test Report
The sample test report provides a comprehensive analysis of the testing performed, including test results and interpretations to address underlying causes of symptoms.
Fundamental Concepts of Innate Immune Function
Kurt Woeller, DO discusses the innate immune system and its importance for overall immunity.
Glyphosate, Oxalic Acid, And Mitochondrial Dysfunction
This webinar will discuss the link between glyphosate use, oxalic acid, and associated problems at the mitochondria level.
Connecting Specific Markers Amongst the Organic Acids Test (OAT), MycoTOX, and the non-metal chemical profiles
This webinar provides information that will help connect some of the more common findings seen in practice when evaluating these three tests.
A Functional Medicine Approach to Mitochondrial Dysfunction
In this webinar, Dr. Woeller explores mitochondrial dysfunction from a functional medicine perspective and includes information about food sensitivity and lack or nutrients and the key role they play.
Explore Our Latest Resources
Welcome to Your Practitioner Dashboard
View a step-by-step instructional video to experience the practitioner dashboard.
How to Modify an Existing Order
View a step-by-step instructional video reviewing how to modify an existing order.
Optimizing Health in a World of Chemical Toxicants: Understanding the Critical Importance of Environmental Medicine
Explore health challenges created by environmental toxicants, identify the most prevalent and toxic, and design a therapeutic strategy to reduce the harms and optimize health.
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Join the MosaicDX community and elevate your testing knowledge.