April 16

The Organic Acid Test (OAT) & Autism: A Scientific Breakthrough in Care
Dr. William Shaw, Ph.D.
Dr. William Shaw, Ph.D.
MosaicDX is proud to announce the appointment of Scott Mattivi as its new Chief Executive Officer. With more than three decades of experience in the laboratory and biopharma services industry, Mattivi brings a proven track record of operational excellence, innovation, and strategic leadership.
This lecture will focus on certain environmental chemicals and how they can adversely affect the special needs community.
Walk through PANS/PANDAS key symptoms, potential root causes, and testing methods.
Discuss how common chemicals adversely affect mitochondrial function.
View a step-by-step instructional video to experience the practitioner dashboard.
View a step-by-step instructional video reviewing how to modify an existing order.
Step-by-step instructional video demonstrating how patients can access and download their test results.
Visual, step-by-step test prep and collection instructions for stool specimen collection.
Important Overview for Patients Getting Ready to Collect a TOXDetect Profile™.
Important Overview for Patients Getting Ready to Collect an IgG Food MAP – Dried Blood Spot Sample
MosaicDX is proud to announce the appointment of Scott Mattivi as its new Chief Executive Officer. With more than three decades of experience in the laboratory and biopharma services industry, Mattivi brings a proven track record of operational excellence, innovation, and strategic leadership.
This blog from our TOXDetective Series reviews various toxicants found on the TOXDetect Profile and how they are metabolized. By understanding certain chemical properties and pathways of elimination of specific pollutants, better management and more individualized interventions can be implemented.
This blog from our TOXDetective Series explores our Organic Acids Test (OAT). The OAT is a powerful tool that measures downstream products of metabolism in the body. Evaluation of metabolites from various metabolic pathways can provide key insights related to gut health, mitochondrial function, neurotransmitter pathway and nutritional status.
MosaicDX’s MycoTOX Profile® test report is designed to provide you with easy-to-interpret results and comprehensive insights into your patients’ health.
MosaicDX’s TOXDetect Profile™ test report is designed to provide you with easy-to-interpret results and comprehensive insights into your patients’ health.
The sample test report provides a comprehensive analysis of the testing performed, including test results and interpretations to address underlying causes of symptoms.
This blog from our TOXDetective Series reviews the 4 pillars of clinical consideration when addressing toxic exposures including, exposure, avoidance, health impacts, and personalized therapeutics.
Watch the recordings from Discovering the Power of the Organic Acids Test: One-Day Seminar on September 27th.
This lecture will cover pesticide use in the U.S., pesticide exposure in the U.S. population, signs and symptoms of non-occupational pesticide exposure, laboratory evaluation of pesticide exposure and treatment of pesticide exposure.
View a step-by-step instructional video to experience the practitioner dashboard.
View a step-by-step instructional video reviewing how to modify an existing order.
Functional medicine is a comprehensive diagnostic and treatment approach using sophisticated laboratory testing such as the organic acids test, food sensitivity, comprehensive digestive stool analysis, and other complementary assessments.
What happens if those little engines are not functioning optimally? Energy starts to wane, and bodily functions become sluggish. Hormone production, cellular detoxification, and protein formation are not occurring at the rate the body demands – how can we help our cells?
The presentation explores the significant impact of heavy metals on health, detailing their sources, pathways of exposure, and the severe health consequences they can cause.
Bring clarity to the often overwhelming journey from detection to intervention, learn how to become a TOXDetective.
Functional medicine is a comprehensive diagnostic and treatment approach using sophisticated laboratory testing such as the organic acids test, food sensitivity, comprehensive digestive stool analysis, and other complementary assessments.
This session will explore various sources of toxicants, methods to identify and measure exposure, and the latest strategies to mitigate these exposures through effective detoxification.
Mycotoxins have many toxic properties which can cause a variety of health problems. Ochratoxin from Aspergillus is known to be a carcinogen and a neurotoxin affecting dopamine – other mycotoxins have their own unique effects too.
Webinar Date: Apr 16, 2025 02:00PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Visual, step-by-step test prep and collection instructions for stool specimen collection.
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