Tag: Oxidative Stress

Fundamental Concepts of Innate Immune Function
Kurt Woeller, DO discusses the innate immune system and its importance for overall immunity.

Mycotoxin Induced Mitochondrial Dysfunction And Cytotoxicity
This lecture by Dr. Kurt Woeller discussed some of the cytotoxic effects of mycotoxins on mitochondrial function.

Tiglyglycine Elevation
This lecture from Dr. Woeller will discuss what is the significance for a high Tiglyglycine and some reasons for its elevation.

Clinical Considerations of Elevated Pyroglutamic Acid on the Organic Acids Test
Elevated pyroglutamic can appear on the Organic Acids Test (OAT) as an indicator of glutathione deficiency. Glutathione plays an important role in cellular protection as an antioxidant, as well as detoxification.

Digging Deeper Into The Organic Acids Test
The OAT is a fundamental laboratory assessment for the detection of toxins and various biochemical imbalances.

Autism and Mold Exposure: Why Testing for Mycotoxins is so Important
Informative webinar sheds light on the relationship between autism and mold exposure, and covers practical strategies for mitigating exposure and managing the symptoms of autism in individuals with mold-related mycotoxin exposure.

Advanced Topics in Organic Acids Test Assessment
This advanced webinar offers a comprehensive overview of Organic Acids Test (OAT) assessment, covering a range of advanced topics. The speaker will delve into the nuances of interpreting OAT results, including the various biomarkers measured and their clinical significance.

Mitochondrial Dysfunction: What is it and What Causes It
Mitochondrial dysfunction is a complex topic that many healthcare professionals struggle to understand fully. In this informative webinar, we will explore the basics of mitochondria and its role in cellular function, the different types of mitochondrial dysfunction, and their underlying causes.

Essential Integrative Medicine Lab Tests That Should Be Done for Anyone with Autism Spectrum Disorders
The webinar will be presented by Dr. Woeller who comes with years of experience in treating individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders. He will explain how these tests can help identify underlying health issues that may be contributing to the symptoms associated with autism, and how to use this information to develop an effective treatment plan.
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