Oxalates Control is a Major New Factor in Autism Therapy

TEST IMPLICATIONS FOR YEAST AND HEAVY METALSWILLIAM SHAW, PH.D. What are Oxalates? Oxalate and its acid form oxalic acid are organic acids that are primarily from three sources: the diet, from fungus such as Aspergillus, Penicillium, and possibly Candida (1-9), and also from human metabolism (10). Oxalic acid is the most acidic organic acid in […]

Evidence That Increased Acetaminophen Use In Genetically Vulnerable Children Appears To Be A Major Cause Of The Epidemics Of Autism, Attention Deficit With Hyperactivity, And Asthma

Introduction One of the puzzling aspects of autism is the marked increase in the incidence of autism that began in the United States in the early 1980s and has appeared to increase continuously since then. The highest incidence of autism has been reported to be South Korea, where the incidence is now reported to be […]

Chronic Candidiasis: Mechanisms of Pathogenicity and Laboratory Testing Options

Chronic candida has been a well-recognized problem in functional and integrative medicine for many years. It too is a problem acknowledged in conventional medicine, although at times for different reasons, i.e., oral thrush or skin infections. Candidiasis is defined as a fungal infection linked to any form of candida species. These infections can occur in […]

A New Generation Of Organic Acid Testing: Pushing The Limits Of Detection With New Technology

More than 50 phenotypically different organic acidemias have been discovered since the first known disease of this type, isovaleric academia, was described in 1966. An organic acid is any compound that generates protons at the prevailing pH of human blood. Although some organic acidemias result in lowered blood pH, other organic acidemias are associated with […]