IgG Food MAP with Candida + Yeast (DBS)

IgG Food Map With Candida + Yeast in all white - MosaicDX

Uncovering Food Sensitivities

IgG food sensitivities provide a useful guide for personalized rotation/elimination diets with clinical impact associated with a variety of diseases. People may continue to eat offending foods unaware of their potential adverse effects, because symptoms associated with food sensitivities may occur hours or days after the offending food was eaten.

MosaicDX’s IgG Food MAP tests measure antibodies to common foods, herbs, and spices typically found in Western, Asian, and Mediterranean diets also include results for Candida and yeast. MosaicDX tests 190 Foods + Candida and Yeast. These tests are available in both serum and dried blood spot formats, making it easy and convenient for patients. By identifying food sensitivities, these tests can help individuals customize their diet leading to improvements in overall health and wellbeing.

Our high-complexity laboratory is committed to delivering accurate and reliable results in coordination with these top licensure programs:
Dried Blood Spot
Turnaround Time: 1-2 weeks

Turnaround times are estimates. Detailed order tracking is available in the MosaicDX Portal.

IgG Food
* Available in English, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Japanese, Italian, French, Chinese, Korean
IgG Food Map with Candida + Yeast logo in blue and grey with white background - MosaicDX

What Patients Might Benefit from IgG Food MAP?

There are a number of symptoms and conditions associated with IgG food sensitivities. Elimination/Rotation diets driven by serum or blood-spot analysis prove impactful in relieving symptoms.

  • ADHD
  • Asthma
  • Autism Spectrum
  • Autoimmune Disease
  • Behavioral Problems
  • Celiac Disease
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Depression
  • GI Upset – Gas, Bloating, Diarrhea
  • Headaches / Migraines 
  • IBD
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Skin Rash, Itching, Eczema
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Weight gain / Obesity 


Why Test IgG Antibodies?

IgG food sensitivity testing is a simple and effect way to identify foods that can trigger an inflammatory response. The provided personalized rotation/elimination diet provides an easier and more convenient approach versus removal of all common foods known to cause allergies/sensitivities, which is often time-consuming and laborious.

Addressing identified food sensitivities can be impactful as they often contribute to chronic health issues. Identifying these sensitivities can be crucial to healing the body and relieving unexplained signs and symptoms.

Why does MosaicDX’s IgG Food MAP test for reactions to Candida?

Elevations in IgG antibodies to candida can signal candida overgrowth in the GI tract. Candida overgrowth in the gut can lead to increased intestinal permeability (also referred to as leaky gut), which may allow larger food molecules to pass through the gut lining and trigger an IgG-mediated immune response. Dysbiosis of the gut including candida overgrowth has been associated with the development of leaky gut and in turn, development of leaky gut has been associated clinically with the development of food sensitivities.

Candida overgrowth can cause a wide range of digestive symptoms including bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Additional symptoms associated with candida overgrowth include fatigue and weakness, skin and nail infections, oral thrush, brain fog and mood changes, and food cravings.

Addressing candida overgrowth will aid in healing the gut and decreasing food sensitivities. Depending on the levels of candida and the severity of a patient’s symptoms, further testing may be recommended, including Comprehensive Stool Test and/or Organic Acids Test.

What is the difference between food allergy vs. food sensitivity?

While the terms food allergy and food sensitivity are often used interchangeably to describe adverse reactions to food, they are not the same thing.

Food allergies refer to an immune-mediated process that involves the production of IgE antibodies in response to a particular antigen. IgE-mediated reactions are immediate (immediate hypersensitivity or Type 1 hypersensitivity reactions) and can result in a range of symptoms from more mild (e.g., hives, itching, digestive upset) to more significant (e.g., swelling of mucous membranes of the oral mucosa) to severe (life-threatening anaphylaxis).

Food sensitivities refer to a range of symptoms triggered by certain foods that generally tend to be less severe – and not life threatening – and include common complaints such as headaches, digestive upset, skin rashes, and fatigue. One proposed mechanism for the development of food sensitivities relates to the formation of IgG antibodies in response to certain foods which may be assessed on laboratory profiles.

Finally, the term food intolerance has also been used clinically to describe the body’s difficulty digesting or metabolizing a particular food component that results in symptoms such as nausea, bloating, gas, or even diarrhea. Classic examples of a food intolerances include lactose intolerance (due to a lactase enzyme deficiency), fructose intolerance (due to difficulty absorbing fructose) and reactions to certain food chemicals, additives, or preservatives such as histamines or sulfites.

Learn More About the IgG Food MAP with Candida + Yeast: Explore FAQs


The IgG Food MAP measures antibodies of common foods, herbs, and spices, common in the Western, Asian, and Mediterranean diets.

With our new xMAP® (Multiple Analyte Profiling) technology, we’ve enhanced identification precision by utilizing intense signaling from fluorescents. This testing procedure is fully automated, making it more precise and dependable, while also producing less waste through the use of multiplexed magnetic beads. Additionally, the sample requires less blood, making it easier to collect. We’ve also expanded our panel by including specific allergens for problematic food categories, resulting in a more comprehensive testing panel. 

Cow’s Milk
Sheep’s Yogurt
Goat’s Milk
Cheddar Cheese
Mozzarella Cheese
Fish / Seafood
Pacific Mackerel (Saba)
Small Clam
Pacific Saury
Red Snapper
Jack Mackerel
Acai Berry
Passion Fruit
Chili Pepper
Bamboo Shoot
Seaweed Kombu Kelp
Bean Sprout
Enoki Mushroom
Seaweed Nori
Seaweed Wakame
Bell Pepper
Shitake Mushroom
Bitter Gourd
Sweet Potato
Brussel Sprout
Lotus Root
Burdock Root
Napa Cabbage
Olive (Green)
Yellow Squash
Portabella Mushroom
Herbs / Spices
Bay Leaf
Black Pepper
Cayenne Pepper
Mustard Seed
Vanilla Bean
Meat / Fowl
Beans and Peas
Adzuki Bean
Black Bean
Garbanzo Bean
Egg White
Green Bean
Egg Yolk
Green Pea
Kidney Bean
Lima Bean
Mung Bean
Navy Bean
Pinto Bean
Wheat Gluten
Whole Wheat
Nuts / Seeds
Brazil Nut
Hemp Seed
Pumpkin Seed
Macadamia Nut
Sesame Seed
Sunflower Seed
Chia Seed
Flax Seed
Pine Nut
Oolong Tea
Candida Albicans
Green Tea
Cane Sugar
Cocoa Bean
Meat Glue

Sample Reports

The IgG test report is a useful resource for practitioners who want to gain valuable insights into the underlying causes of illnesses.

Test Prep and Instructions

MosaicDX offers patient-friendly sample collection kits that simplify testing. Our kits include visual, step-by-step instructions for test preparation and sample collection, personalized shipping cards, and pediatric collection bags if needed. With MosaicDX, patients can easily collect samples for testing with confidence and accuracy.

Patient Resources

Assets for practitioners to support patients in understanding food sensitivities and MosaicDX’s IgG Food Map with Candida +Yeast, enhancing their patients’ comprehension, decision-making, and overall health journey.

Integrating IgG Testing into Your Clinical Practice

As the Senior Manager of Clinical Development at MosaicDX, Michelle Maddux, ND provides an overview of the fundamentals of IgG testing focusing on clinical indications and intervention strategies so you can better understand and build treatment protocols driven by IgG test results.

OAT Organic Acids Test logo

Frequently Asked Questions

MosaicDX offers a more comprehensive measurement of total IgG antibodies to different food-based antigens and Candida, in contrast to many laboratories that only measure IgG4 molecules. IgG4 antibodies account for less than 6% of the total IgG antibodies, and testing for only IgG4 antibodies limits the clinician’s ability to identify foods that could cause significant clinical reactions in their patients.

The objective of IgG-mediated food allergy testing is to identify foods that can trigger multiple adverse reactions. IgG1, IgG2, and IgG3 antibodies can cause inflammation by creating large immune complexes or lattices that activate complement proteins. On the other hand, IgG4 antibodies to food antigens usually do not activate complement and therefore do not typically cause inflammation.

In an article by Kemeny et al., they emphasized the importance of measuring all subtypes of IgG antibodies. Their research found that patients with celiac disease had elevated IgG1 antibodies to gluten, but none had elevated IgG4 antibodies to gluten. However, elevated levels of IgG4 antibodies still indicate the presence of immune reactions against food antigens.

The ordering process for MosaicDX tests starts with your healthcare practitioner assessing your symptoms and recommending the most appropriate test.

Once a test has been recommended, collection kits can be conveniently ordered and delivered straight to your doorstep. If you already have a collection kit, you can register your test and begin the process at your convenience.

It is important to carefully follow the collection instructions and include all required information about yourself and your specimens when registering your test. When your specimens are collected, you can use the prepaid shipping materials provided in your kit to ship them to MosaicDX. Your results will be accessible online via the MosaicDX portal. We recommend scheduling an appointment with your healthcare practitioner to discuss your results and develop a plan for your healthcare

If you are located outside of the U.S., our customer service team can assist you in finding a distributor in your country. In countries where a distributor is not required, you can place an order through our international patient ordering site. Please note that all international shipping costs must be paid prior to shipping the kit.  

IgG is the major antibody found in serum. IgGs are composed of two fragment antigen binding (Fab) regions that contain the antigen binding sites and the Fc region, which is responsible for most of the biologic activity of the antibodies (Figure 1). An antigen is a substance that causes the immune system to produce an antibody that specifically reacts with it. IgG-mediated reactions to food antigens may be delayed by several hours or days, whereas IgE food antibody reactions are quite immediate.

Human IgG is separated into four subclasses denoted IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, and IgG4. Each subclass varies in abundance and biological function. IgG1 and IgG3 are predominantly responsible for antibody protection against reinfection. IgG2 antibodies are opsonic (marking a pathogen for ingestion and destruction) and develop in response to carbohydrate polysaccharide antigens. IgG4 molecules function as skin-sensitizing immunoglobulins and are thought to block antibodies produced in response to chronic exposure to antigens.

The clinical significance of IgG food testing was illustrated in an early article published by an otolaryngologist who reported that the majority of his patients had substantial health improvements after eliminating foods found positive by IgG food allergy testing. The study demonstrated a 71% success rate for all symptoms, achieving at least a 75% relief. Of particular interest was the group of patients with chronic, disabling symptoms, unresponsive to other intensive treatments. Symptoms most commonly improved (75%-100%) on the elimination diets included asthma, coughing, ringing in the ears, chronic fatigue, headaches, gas, bloating, diarrhea, skin rash and itching, and nasal congestion. The most common IgG food allergies were to cow’s milk, garlic, mustard, egg yolk, tea, and chocolate. A recent study reported that 93% of non-celiac, gluten-sensitive patients showed anti-gliadin IgG antibody disappearance after a six-month adherence to a gluten-free diet. The IgG disappearance was closely related to a significant improvement of both gastrointestinal and extra-intestinal symptoms. High IgG antibody levels have frequently been found in children with diabetes mellitus, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, and in those considered to be obese. IgG food test results are often used to develop food antibody-guided exclusion/ elimination diets. The implementation of such diets has been shown to alleviate symptoms associated with nonceliac gluten sensitivity and food sensitivity-induced atopic conditions, reduce the frequency of migraine headaches, decrease the occurrence of diarrhea, decrease failure–to-thrive among children with cystic fibrosis, reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, improve rectal compliance, decrease stool frequency in Crohn’s disease, prevent seizures and hyperkinetic behavior in children with epilepsy, and ameliorate kidney function in glomerulonephritis. Food elimination diets also hold promise for the improvement of behaviors associated with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.

The following tests provide valuable insight into metabolism, nutrient needs, food sensitivities and metal toxicity.

Serum samples have a relatively stable nature and can be stored in a refrigerator for up to 30 days and in a freezer for six months. 

The immune system’s IgG response targets proteins, not lipids. Some individuals may wonder whether they can consume butter if they are sensitive to casein or soy lecithin if they are sensitive to soy. Trace amounts of the corresponding protein have been discovered during the extraction process for these components. However, the protein levels are generally low and not likely to cause issues. The majority of individuals can tolerate these trace amounts, but a few may not. For those uncommon situations, an elimination and reintroduction phase could aid in further examination. 

It can take as long as 6 months after eliminating a food from the diet for the IgG response to that specific food antigen to return to normal levels. If a person is not consuming the food, or has not done so in over 6 months, it is unlikely to trigger a significant immune response and will not appear as elevated on the test. A low reactivity to a particular food does not imply that the person can now tolerate it or that the food can be reintroduced safely. It only indicates that the person has been diligent in avoiding it. Conversely, if a person has avoided consuming a specific food and the test result shows positive, cross-contamination with structurally similar proteins in the diet is likely responsible. 

Dried Blood Spot samples have a relatively stable nature and can be stored in a refrigerator for up to 31 days and in a freezer for six months. 

Different states have regulations that define the scope of practice for practitioners. It is the practitioner’s responsibility to abide by these rules. Check with your state board of health to determine any restrictions related to laboratory testing. Please note, Mosaic Diagnostics does not offer testing in New York. 

Once you have opened your account, you have the options of ordering kits to stock in your office or drop-ship kits directly to your patients through your MosaicDX portal.   

Watch our short tutorial videos on how to conveniently  

Already have a kit? Watch this video on how to place an order for your patient using a kit from your inventory.   

Please refer to your test’s specific Test Preparation and Instructions for more information regarding the potential effects of medications, foods, and supplements on this test. 

You make also consult your healthcare provider prior to making any changes to your medications.

Visit the payment information page for an overview of payment options and procedures along with insurance coverage overview.

NOTE: Insurance coverage for testing is based on several factors such as the type of procedure, diagnosis, and insurance policy guidelines. Patients are encouraged to contact their insurance company to check for coverage and to provide the procedure codes (CPT codes) and diagnostic codes (ICD-10 codes). The CPT codes can be found on the billing information page, while ICD-10 codes are provided by the practitioner.

Mosaic Diagnostics offers written interpretations within test reports and complimentary consultations with our clinical educators for qualified practitioners. To schedule a consultation, simply sign in to your MosaicDX account and book a consultation online. 

We encourage all patients to discuss results with your practitioner.

Our Resources tab also contains educational materials that you may find useful, we also offer MosaicEDGE workshops for qualified practitioners to better understand the fundamentals of lab testing.

  1. Visit AnyLabTest Now to find a location near you.
    1. Schedule an appointment online, call for assistance, or just show up for your lab test — no appointment necessary.
    2. Bring the following to your appointment:
      1. Payment for specimen collection and processing fee.
      2. Test collection kit
      3. Included gel pack (freeze ahead of time)
      4. Collection instructions
      5. Test Requisition Form with doctor’s signature
      6. UPS return bag (included in the test kit)
  2. Alpha Phlebotomy Group offers three options
    1. In Home Collections – where the phlebotomist comes to you. Fees include per collection rates and mileage.
    2. Collection Draw Site Locations – where APG provides you with a location that is familiar with MosaicDX orders. Prices for collections vary by phlebotomist.
    3. Mobile Event Collections for Groups – Have a group of 20 blood collections? Create a blood draw corporate or wellness event. Events require a minimum of 6 draws per hour otherwise additional hourly fees may apply along with specific pricing per participant.
  3. Los Angeles and Orange County Areas: Contact Mobile Phlebotomy Service
    1. They will complete the blood draw directly from your home. Call 909-985-5562 to make an appointment. Standard hours of operation are 6:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
  4. Kansas City Metro Areas: Contact Test Smartly Labs.
    1. Collection hours are Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at all four of the TSL Kansas City area locations. Call 816-800-9699 to set up your appointment.

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Clinical References