“OAT Basics and Biochemistry” by Jessica Bonovich RN, BSN from Mosaic Diagnostics on Vimeo.
In this webinar, we will explore the basics of the Organic Acids Test (OAT) and delve into the biochemistry behind it. The OAT is a comprehensive metabolic test that provides valuable insights into a patient’s health status by measuring the byproducts of various metabolic pathways. We will cover the significance of different markers on the OAT and how they can indicate imbalances in the body’s metabolic processes. Additionally, we will discuss how the OAT can be used to identify nutritional deficiencies, toxic exposures, and other underlying health issues. This webinar is suitable for healthcare practitioners who want to improve their understanding of the OAT and its clinical applications.
About the Author
Jessica Bonovich, RN, BSN
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