Mold And Mycotoxins: Fighting Chronic Mold Illness With Effective Testing And Treatment Protocols from Mosaic Diagnostics on Vimeo.
Mold and Mycotoxins: Fighting Chronic Mold Illness with Effective Testing and Treatment Protocols
William Shaw, PhD
This is a special webinar presentation featuring both our Founder and Laboratory Director, William Shaw, PhD and well-known integrative medicine physician, Neil Nathan, MD. Dr. Shaw will discuss the health effects of mycotoxins in the body and brain. He will also review the clinical significance of using our MycoTOX Profile to assess exposure and determine methods of treatment. Dr. Nathan, who has a vast amount of experience treating patients with mold illness will present patient cases and discuss some of the treatment protocols he’s found to be most effective.

About the Author
William Shaw, PhD
William Shaw, PhD, is board certified in the fields of clinical chemistry and toxicology by the American Board of Clinical Chemistry. Before he founded The Great Plains Laboratory, Inc., Dr. Shaw worked for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Children’s Mercy Hospital, University of Missouri at Kansas City School of Medicine, and Smith Kline Laboratories.
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