
Mycotoxins: Basics and Beyond (UK + Ireland Practitioners)


In collaboration with Regenerus Labs, watch James Neuenschwander, MD (Dr. Neu) in a one-hour presentation on how to diagnose a mold-toxic patient starting with when to suspect that mycotoxins might be a part of your patient’s symptom survey or routine lab results.

Using real-world examples, he will guide you through identifying the source of mold, detoxifying the mycotoxins from an individual, and using the OAT and MycoTOX Profile as surveillance tools to monitor progress and determine the appropriate treatment program.

He will also cover some of the basics behind treating sequelae of prolonged mycotoxin illness like mast cell activation syndromes and autonomic dysfunction.


At the end of this presentation, participants should be able to:

  1. Identify signs, symptoms, and findings on routine labs that should alert them to the possibility of a mold-toxic patient.
  2. Recognize the markers on an organic acid test (OAT) that would suggest toxicity.
  3. Use a mycotoxin screen to identify patients that have an exposure to mycotoxins.
  4. Differentiate between a patient that has mold colonization and one that does not.
  5. Identify the tools that can be used to determine if a patient with mycotoxins in their urine is symptomatic from those mycotoxins.
  6. Review the use of binders to remove mycotoxins.
  7. Identify patients who would benefit from the use of antifungals.
  8. Review the detox pathways and identify ways to support them.

Additional Q&A responses:

If binders are taking out bile salts, does one need to supplement bile salts separately?
Binders don’t take out bile salts, the bind the mycotoxin from the bile salt, removing it from the bile so that when the bile gets re-absorbed, the mycotoxin doesn’t get re-absorbed with it. We do use non-absorbable bile salts (like Tudca) as bindings as well. Typically you don’t have to supplement with bile salts simply because you are using a binder.

What about when a person’s ability to detox the mould is poor – wouldn’t a mycotoxin test be potentially low? i.e. negative?
Yes, you run the risk of having a negative mycotoxin test for people who don’t detox well. If you suspect a patient doesn’t detox well, use the steps I discussed to improve uptake – fasting, sauna, massage (anything to increase detox) the day before – will improve the likelihood that your patient’s test will be positive if they have mycotoxins. I also don’t use any one test to determine mold toxicity. Using tests like the VCS will tell you if your patient has brain toxicity. If the MycoTOX Profile is negative, the VCS is positive, and you suspect mold clinically, I would still treat.

How do you get the colonisation in the first place? How does exposure turn into colonisation?
With colonization, we are talking about persistent exposure to mold spores. You can inhale them into your sinuses. You can swallow them into your GI tract (spores will survive the stomach acid usually). You can inhale them into your lungs (much more serious). Typically, a person has to have a susceptibility/immunodeficiency to get colonized. This can occur with a lighter exposure but a significant immunodeficiency or with a heavier exposure and a less significant immunodeficiency. It is usually from exposure to a significant mold spore load over a long time in a person that has some type of immune dysfunction (from stress, malnutrition, chronic infection, other exposure, genetics) that will result in colonization.

The material contained within this presentation is not intended to replace the services and/or medical advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner, nor is it meant to encourage diagnosis and treatment of disease. It is for educational purposes only. Any application of suggestions set forth in the following portions of this article is at the reader’s discretion and sole risk. Implementation or experimentation with any supplements, herbs, dietary changes, medications, and/or lifestyle changes, etc., is done so at your sole risk and responsibility. Views expressed are those of the presenter and not necessarily those of Mosaic Diagnostics.

About the Author

James Neuenschwander, MD

Dr. Neu is board-certified in Emergency Medicine, Integrative and Holistic Medicine, as well as Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine. In addition, he is a Fellow of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) and holds a certification in chelation therapy. He is a member of A4M, ACAM, and ILADS. He has been a DAN! Practitioner since 2007 and a member of Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs (MAPS) since its founding. His private practice is in Ann Arbor, Michigan.