Other labs report some different bacteria by PCR – how were the bacteria that GI360™ reports selected?

The microbiota abundance and diversity section of the report is a novel test within the GI360™ test. Using a unique approach, the specific probes were selected to cover consensus observations from published literature regarding the most clinically significant bacteria with respect to dysbiosis associated with IBD and the different classifications of IBS. A scientific process was applied to select DNA probes targeting ≥300 bacterial species, based on the ability to confidently discern dysbiosis in that clinical setting. The specific set of probes and the model has been rigorously tested and validated to identify and characterize dysbiosis. Doctor’s Data also utilizes additional DNA probes for pathogenic bacteria, viruses and parasites, separate from the Abundance and Diversity test. The latter probe set includes the probes that are used in an FDA cleared panel for the detection of microbes most commonly associated with diarrheagenic disease.